Alessio Rutigliano
Alessio's first encounter with the Wyckoff Method was Henry O. Pruden's The Three Skills of Top Trading. He is a WTC graduate and serves as a Teaching Assistant at Wyckoff Analytics. An avid student of intermarket analysis and behavioral finance models, he has recently focused on developing sector rotation strategies in the Wild West of digital assets. He curates "Wyckoff in the World of Cryptocurrency", a blog introducing Wyckoff analysis and trading tactics to low-liquidity speculative environments, including cryptos and emerging asset classes, with a special focus on market psychology.

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The materials presented in the Wyckoff in the World of Cryptocurrency Blogs are for educational purposes only: nothing contained in any of these materials should be construed as investment advice of any kind.  REGARDLESS OF ANY LANGUAGE IN ANY WYCKOFF IN THE WORLD OF CRYPTOCURRENCY BLOG POST, NEITHER THE WYCKOFF AUTHOR(S) NOR WYCKOFF ASSOCIATES, LLC, NOR ANYONE AFFILIATED WITH THE LATTER ORGANIZATION IN ANY WAY IS RECOMMENDING THAT YOU BUY OR SELL ANY SECURITY, OPTION, FUTURE, ETF, OR ANY OTHER MARKETS MENTIONED. There is a very high degree of risk of financial loss involved in trading securities. You understand and acknowledge that you alone are responsible for your trading and investment decisions and results. Alessio Rutigliano, Wyckoff Associates, LLC,, Roman Bogomazov, and all officers, staff, employees, and other individuals affiliated with Wyckoff Associates, LLC, and assume no responsibility or liability of any kind for your trading and investment results. It should not be assumed that investments in or trading of securities, options, futures, ETFs, companies, sectors or any other markets identified and described in these Wyckoff in the World of Cryptocurrency Blogs were, are or will be profitable.