May Special: Upgrading your Trading Plan through Visual Back-testing and Validation


Structured back-testing shows you how well your trading plan is likely to perform under different market conditions, and whether it needs modification before you put your hard-earned capital at risk.  I have been conducting and refining back-testing of my own and others’ trading ideas for many years, and have taught these techniques as part of systems development at Golden Gate University.  I have also introduced many students to back-testing concepts during the Wyckoff Trading Course. 

A year ago I developed a new webinar series: Back-testing and Validating Your Trading Plan, in which I shared my insights and approach to visual back-testing.  The course provided a great opportunity for individual-level R&D of Wyckoff Method trades and was a great success with the students! 

This year I am offering this course again and, together with some of my advanced students, will be providing additional materials on developing filters and scans to expedite prospecting for some Wyckoff set-ups in your trading plan(s).  In these FOUR sessions you will learn how to evaluate the profitability and expectancy of your current trading plan(s) as well as any new ideas in the future, and you will be given several examples of Wyckoff-based scans, which you can set up on

Upgrading Your Trading Plan through Visual Back-testing is organized in four sections:

First, we will discuss your current trading plans and trading routine; these sessions may include suggestions for potential improvements and adjustments to each plan presented.  Students will have the opportunity to learn from others' trading plans, as well. 

Next, we will discuss indispensable elements of visual back-testing, including how to set up an informative process, what to emphasize during back-testing, and what data should be collected and tabulated during the analysis of results. 

Then, we will break for three weeks to allow you ample time to conduct back-testing of your current trading plans and/or new ideas.

Finally, during the last two sessions students will present their back-testing results, and we'll discuss how these can be used to refine the underlying trading plans for increased profitability.  We will also focus on developing and refining filters and scans needed to identify some of the central themes of the trading plans' set-ups.

These webinars will be recorded and made available to participants on a password-protected web page for a full year after the course ends (i.e., until July 1, 2019), with an option to extend access for another year for a nominal fee. 

Prerequisite: Completion of (Advanced) Wyckoff Trading Course or consent of instructor

By popular request, you can now buy previous versions of the June 2019 Special: Trust the Process.
Click here for a description of the June 2019 Special: Trust the Process!
Click here for a description of the May 2017 course: Back-testing and Validating Your Trading Plan.

May 2017 & 2018 Specials - Trading Plan

Important - PLEASE READ: We will email webinar links and any announcements related to this webinar series to the email address that you have on file with PayPal. If you would prefer to receive this information at a different email address, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting us at

Confidence in trading comes in part from simply knowing that your strategy and trading plan can be profitable under a variety of market conditions.  This course is designed to give you that confidence! Please join us!


Roman Bogomazov is a trader and educator specializing in the Wyckoff Method of trading and investing, which he has taught for the last five years as an Adjunct Professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. He is also President of Wyckoff Associates, LLC, an enterprise providing online Wyckoff Method education to traders throughout the world ( Using as a thriving trading community platform, Roman has developed a comprehensive educational curriculum covering basic to advanced Wyckoff concepts and techniques, as well as visual pattern recognition and real-time drills to enhance traders’ skills and confidence. In the last 3 years alone, Roman has conducted over 700 classes and presentations, and has taught collaboratively with many Wyckoff experts and traders. Roman is considered a teaching authority on the Wyckoff Method by traders around the world. A dedicated and passionate Wyckoffian, he has used the Wyckoff Method exclusively for his own trading for the last 20 years. Roman has also served as a Board Member of the International Federation of Technical Analysts and as past president of the Technical Securities Analysts Association of San Francisco.

Important Disclaimer: There is a very high degree of financial risk and loss involved in trading securities.  You understand and acknowledge the existence of this risk and also that YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN TRADING AND INVESTMENT DECISIONS AND RESULTS.  The materials presented and discussed in this online course are for educational purposes only; nothing contained therein should be construed as investment advice.  Roman Bogomazov ("Presenter") is not a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to recommend or suggest any specific trades or investments in stocks, bonds, e-minis, futures, options, currencies or any other financial instruments or markets. Presenter assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for your trading and investment results.  It should not be assumed that any trades or investments described or discussed in this course were, are, or will be profitable.